Monday, 5 November 2007

Week2... Jack Rabbits!

Well I had an amazing weekend Drawing wise.. I havent stopped! And I got my hands dirty and painted on Friday night.. a massive JackRabbit picture in gouache... and I really captured the fur I think.

I've just been feeling much more positive and relaxed before I start drawing. The phrase 'It's just a picture' has helped a lot.. I'm not so afraid of it going wrong now, I just pick up a new bit of paper and start again. My mind has felt much freer the last week or so and I'm very happy with all the new ideas I'm having too. I think the best way to approach art is not to think too much about it, and just do it!

Been tattooing like mad too.. well designing.. and got a new one on Sat.. swallow with a scroll reading 'white trash'.. hehe.

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